Message from the Principal

Greetings and a Warm Welcome One and All to 2024-25 Session!

On behalf of the School Managing Committee, Staff and Students, I convey my heartfelt thanks to all parents and well-wishers for their continuous support and encouragement!

    With the onset of 2024, our school has completed 20 years of its existence. We are thankful to our Almighty God for leading our school thus far. I am delighted to share that the passed percentage of our students in the 2023-24 was 98.09%; a better performance as compared to the previous result. In this New Academic Session 2024-25, our Goal is Zero Drop out and no detention! For this, all the teachers and students has vowed to try our best in fulfilling our target.
The school strife to promote holistic development of every child by following the guidelines provided by NEP 2020 and CBSE in all areas. In order to meet the demands and need of the students, the school equipped the teachers with latest modern technology and gadgets for optimum learning outcomes. We have installed and upgraded our Smart-class every year. Though late, we have introduced Online Admission facility system from this year, and we are planning to fully utilized from the coming session.

In terms of physical development, two major constructions are taking place in the school simultaneously. The much-awaited Waiting Shed construction is almost complete and for this we are truly indebted to the Government of Tripura for their kind consideration towards our guardians who now have not only shelter but a cool resting place to wait for their wards. In addition, another construction is going on for staff quarters in the adjacent campus.

Another new development is the installation of our own transformer in the school premises which was completed on April 12, 2024. After having suffered many years due to low voltage of electricity, it has brought a relief for our students and teachers who have no problem in accessing the computers and smart classes.

Last, but not the least the school continues to work for obtaining land registration and hoping to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Thank you all.

Wishing you all a delightful session!

T. Goulienmang Gangte

Antioch School
Dated: 25/04/2024


Origin and Progress of Antioch School:

The humble journey of Antioch School started with a visionary seed sown by Rev. T. Kampu and Mrs. T. Hawiphal, the President and Principal of Asia Antioch Seminary, Guwahati. They had a calling to open a school here in Tripura among the Debbarma tribals. They were constantly in touch with Rev. L.T Gangte to find a suitable site to start a school. Finally, I arrived in Tripura on the 4th December 2003 to begin the actual work. Upon my arrival at Abhicharan, Madhuchowdhury Para, West Tripura, I received a warm welcome from the villagers. I stayed at the rented house of Mrs. Mala Debbarma (Ama), for about five years then our family moved into the present campus.
At first, our school location was the abandoned Veterinary sub-center office near the Abhicharan market. After completion of all the physical arrangements, we were ready to enrol students.

 It was on the 5th of January 2004 that we opened school admission for the first time. A total of 45 students enrolled for classes KG-1 and KG-II in 2004 session. Classes began on the 27th of January 2004. While the classes were going on well under the mud-walled house, construction of the school building had also started at the present campus. The ground-breaking was done on 11th February 2004. Two years later the main building was grandly inaugurated on May 31, 2006 by Shri Jitendra Choudhury, honourable Tribal Welfare Minister then and former Member of Parliament from Tripura.

Starting with 45 students, today after twenty years we have a total of 410 students (2024) with 17 teaching staff and 7 non-teaching staff. The school has Classes from Nursery to Class VIII. The school is recognized by the government of Tripura, Education Department as secondary stage since 2012.  

Vision & Mission


    1. Antioch school is committed to the holistic development of the child with emphasis on imparting quality education with a discipline life and instilling the fear of God in every child.

    2. We aim to promote English language as a means of communication so that our students can feel free to use this language in their day to day life and even for future purposes.

    3. Creative thinking is much emphasize in our school by enabling every child to develop their own thinking and nurture to adapt to their environment.

    4. A great emphasis is laid on technology based education so that our students feel comfortable enough to use them in their day to day life.

    5. With a belief that every student is unique, and some show outstanding leadership qualities. Such students are trained and groomed to be the future leaders in their society.

    6. With an aim to develop student’s personality, a great emphasis is laid on the Co- Scholastic learning.

    7. The School promotes healthy relationship among the students and teachers by providing excellent support, understanding and intervention for all students to maintain their positive wellbeing and mental health.

T. Goulienmang Gangte

Antioch School